This is my second contribution for Illustration Friday. The word this week is “capable.” The idea of a little girl in charge of something or someone appealed to me. I thought of a little girl getting a line of dogs to sit and behave, or a giant horse listening to her commands. But then I thought of a little girl taking care of her pet dog. So here a little girl tends to the imaginary boo-boo’s of the family pet, confident that her care will help. Although humorous, I am illustrating that we become capable through practice.

An issue I’d love feedback on with this illustration is the race of the little girl. While I have painted many different ages and races in a life painting class, simplifying features in an illustration seems tricky. I want to draw as many different characters as I see around me in New York city. But I also want to be careful that they are not caricatures of a race, and retain dignity. Preferably, I’d like viewers to not even really notice the race difference of the characters I am painting, as that would mean they look natural in their setting.

6 thoughts on “CAPABLE

  1. Very nice, brought a smile to my face this morning. Took some time to look at your web site. Remarkable work, I really like your portraits and the places where we shop work. Thanks for posting on IF.


  2. Oh my goodness, adorable. I have known dogs just like this, suffering the whims of children with such dignity! The dog is really great, particularly the shading. Love the stripey pajamas and socks, too. Great to see you back with a second IF entry! (I think we had over 400 entries last week! Most people don’t visit them all but the more visiting and commenting you do, the better chance you’ll get folks to visit back. But everyone participates in the way that suits them best.) 😉

  3. First, welcome to Illustration Friday. I’ve been doing it for 5 or 6 weeks now and am enjoying participating and seeing the great work of so many fellow illustrators. I didn’t really register a race when I looked at this picture – just a charming child and her dog. Love the caring expression on her face and the resigned look on the dog’s face. I try to draw people of various races too but not to think about it much – just to draw individuals.

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